Embodiment Coaching

No amount of book smarts will give you a visceral way of trusting your intuition or inner knowledge.

It would be like learning to swim from a textbook, or how to kiss from a self-paced course. Life is in the doing. Like writing a book, performing on stage, and showing up as your unapologetic self (for a presentation, in a meeting, on a date) …  As humans we need experiences to feel more comfortable with the unfamiliar. And sometimes it’s a good idea to have a no-consequences space to test out such experiences.

I offer coaching for thinkers and creatives who are seeking guidance through their creative process, who want to ‘learn how to think for themselves’, who want to express their dream projects but want to explore themselves in order to do so with more clarity, and want to feel enabled to do what they want. I do this through the body, using embodiment coaching techniques as well as Feldenkrais Method®. See below for lessons to help you learn how to learn (about yourself and your process) better. I also offer tailored coaching packages.

If talk coaching is more your style, and you are curious about nonduality and seek an end to suffering, I offer a nondual coaching trajectory for thinkers and creatives. 

Embodiment Classes

Enjoy the, light, fragrance and cosiness of this wellness space. Sip on tea (iced tea in summer!). Come to rest. Celebrate the perspective of living in your body. Explore the world from the inside, out.

In an embodiment class with me, I take you through an Awareness Through Movement® process where you slow down, find quiet in your body and move it to discover habits and create new options for greater mobility. Broaden your potential for thinking, feeling and moving.

Learn more about yourself. Enjoy a space of no judgement (from the others in the room, that’s guaranteed!). Decide what you can and will not do. Find new ways to do the same thing. Breathe and move easier. And notice what you notice!

Wednesdays, 6pm NZDT, Te Ara Sophia 275 Fifield Terrace Opawa.

Available to purchase as a live in-person lesson, Zoom lesson and as recording.

NZD$20 casual, NZD$100 for 6 lessons. Enquire for audio recording purchase.

Movement for Life Classes

Treat yourself to a range of movement experiences and teaching styles, to help you move well in life, and be empowered to learn to do what you want.

These lessons are taught by a collective of experienced and new Feldenkrais Method® practitioners from around Christchurch.

Meet some new people who love the floor, experience the presence of different teachers, explore yourself, and discover different approaches to movement.

Fridays, 12.30pm NZDT, Shirley Wellness Centre, 9 Shirley Road Mairehau.

Available in-person.

Lessons on 21 and 28  March (taught by me!) are available to purchase as audio recordings.

NZD$20 casual, NZD $130 for 9 lessons. Enquire for audio recording purchase.

The Moving Pelvis

You love to move and express yourself through the way you interact with others and the activities that bring you joy – whether it’s dance, sport or … any other feel-good physical activity. 🫦

A literally moving course in becoming aware of all your parts, in order to have a more complete self-image.

Join me for a series of 3 x lessons* in exploring pleasant, gentle ways to move, rock, circle, twirl, notice your pelvis … and more interesting options to have it do what you want.

Available to purchase all three lessons as a course for US$17.50

Head Spaces

So many people have a sit-down job that gives them chronic head ache or shoulder and neck pain. Persistent smartphone use means we all know we’re probably holding our heads in a less-than-ideal way, without sensing what it could be doing to ‘the rest of us’.

Join me for a series of 2 x lessons* where you (re-)discover how you carry your head from one of the most relaxing positions ever – lying down! So when you’re back head over heels, you will have a clearer sense of what is sustainable and comfortable for you.

Available to purchase both lessons as a course for US$11.50


They say, the Muse comes from somewhere beyond and we channel it. What if you noticed the Muse arising and departing? Imagine if your breathing could influence how you think, and your thinking could influence how you breathe. Or that your breathing had an effect on what you do, and what you did had an impact on your breathing … what if all that changed your creative output?

Join me for a series of 2 x lessons* for curious creatives of any ilk wanting to tap into the body for new ways of expression in their practice.

Available to purchase both lessons as a course for US$11.50

Which one to choose - a coaching journey, or classes?

I offer embodiment coaching packages (starting at 3 sessions @ USD$300). And, I run a regular Feldenkrais Method Awareness Through Movement® class at Te Ara Sophia in Opawa, Christchurch on Wednesdays NZDT at 6pm. These class (voice) recordings are available for purchase, individually or in packs of 3. To find out more about my coaching package, or for more information on what Feldenkrais Method® is and / or which ATM lessons would suit your needs most, simply get on a call.  I have limited spaces for trial 1:1 Functional Integration® lessons (enquire below).

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BODY LITERATE, A NEWSLETTER by nonfiction book & embodiment coach, jane hardjono

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